using coconuts to empower women

Sustainably and ethically sourced coconut oil that provides Timorese women empowerment through employment. Producing virgin coconut oil in remote rural areas also creates a market for local farmers who formerly had no way of earning money from their coconuts.

coconut oil skincare

Sourcing ethical and sustainable ingredients is a hard task, but our vision at Butt Naked is to put the focus on our supply chain to make it transparent for us, and for YOU.

We have made some changes in the last 12 months as we put the focus on who and where our ingredients come from, we still have a way to go but are excited to share our wins with you!

Introducing Lospalos, a young Melbourne company doing their bit to help change the Timor Leste community's cultural norms and to encourage women to join the workforce. 

While our own western society is still working hard to achieve pay equality, equal rights for women and trying to change patriarchal behaviours, we've come a long way since thinking women only belonged in the home and were not fit to earn an income.  

Unfortunately, this is not the same situation in every country, especially developing ones, and there are still strides to be made in ensuring the gap between men and women is closed. 

This is where Lospalos Coconut Oil comes in. 


Serving as a peacekeeper after the Timor-Leste independence referendum sparked widespread violence around the country, co-founder Shannon French wanted to give back to the community that had suffered so much, while also trying to replace his negative memories accumulated during active military service, with wholesome, peaceful ones of hope and growth. 

Founded by former Australian soldiers Shannon and his regiment partner in 2018 in the bid to provide more jobs and opportunities to women in Timor Leste, Lospalos Coconut Oil is the first exporting factory of its kind. 

Dedicated to benefiting the country as a whole, Lospalos Coconut Oil believes in challenging the status quo and giving greater attention to the disparity in gender income by providing paid employment to women. 

At the heart of this company's core is a genuine want to see Timorese women succeed and feel fulfilled outside the home, earning an income so they can not only provide love and attention to their families but also financial support as well.

 coconut skincare

Believing that women will feel empowered through employment, the founders of this company have seen first hand how giving women the opportunity to multi-task and have greater responsibility within the workforce can benefit not only themselves financially and mentally, but also their families as well.

All you skinfood junkies out there better believe that any company that celebrates women and the many things we can accomplish, not to mention their sustainable and ethical practices, is a company we HAVE to work with. 

Their Virgin Coconut Oil is made from fresh, raw and wild-harvested coconuts and is chock 'a' block with all the good stuff, including lauric acid which can kill bacteria, viruses and fungi. 

Lospalos Coconut Oil

Made with no artificial colours, flavours, preservatives, or chemicals, this oil retains the natural aroma and flavour of wild coconuts, and takes only 90 minutes, from cracking the coconut, to hand-making the oil. Just try and find organic oil that's fresher than that. Hint: you won't. 

Not only do we feel privileged to be able to support a company that's actively trying to change Timorese culture for the better in an ethical way, we genuinely believe this is the best damn coconut oil out there, and are super delighted that we get to use it in our scrubs and oils.

For instance, our Sugar + Fruit Bellini Body Scrub just wouldn't be the same without it, and we can bet ya that your lips wouldn't be the plumpest, non-flakiest, most kissable lips if it weren't for the coconut oil in our Chai Lip Scrub. 

Don't just take our word for it though, try these products out for yourself and in turn, help to support Lospalos Coconut Oil and their dedication to increasing their community's way of life.