how to prep your skin for some summer lovin'

So many of us spend all of winter cuddled up in front of the tv wearing three pairs of socks, wishing it was summer already. We have visions of ourselves swanning around in cute, flower-patterned dresses that match perfectly with our tanned skin when in reality a lot of us are just sweaty messes trying to figure out how to hide the pain on our face from our legs chafing.  

how to prep your skin for some summer lovin'

BUT that doesn't mean our skin can't be poppin', glowin' and ready to shine when the sun comes out.

Exfoliation just became your new best friend

Your skin's just been in hibernation for the past few months so we can forgive it if it doesn't know how to react when it's time for it to see the light of day. In order for glowing skin in summer, exfoliation is the best way to get rid of and prevent ingrown hairs and dead skin cells so that when you moisturise, your skin absorbs all the nutritious goodies. 

Exfoliating regularly in summer will also prevent those unwanted breakouts that usually happen right before your big date or when your friends spontaneously decide to go to the beach and you're left wondering how to tell them you've got bacne so in the end you just don't and spend the whole day refusing to take off your t-shirt. No? Just us? 

What do we suggest? Our Himalayan + Lavender Salt Scrub & Bath Soak

She's our fave goddess because her saltiness helps balances the pH of our skin while working as a natural exfoliator removing dead skin cells, scrubbing away excess dirt, oils, and other impurities on the surface of the skin. 


Slip, Slop, Slap

And we're not talking about the sound your thongs make against hot concrete when you're perhaps walking a little too heavily. No skin food lovers, we're talking about sunscreen! A necessary summer skincare essential to help protect your skin from the sun's harsh UV rays and prevents the signs of premature ageing (crow's feet be gone). 

Sunscreen can also reduce the hyper-pigmentation in your face and subtly mask the blotchiness and redness that humidity brings out so you don't end up looking like a bright, ripe tomato in shorts. 

Oh, and it also prevents the likelihood of developing skin cancer. 


We know you can dish out sick burns but try not to get one

While we don't mind jammin' to an Alicia Keys song (or 12), try not to literally embody the lyrics "this girl is on fiiiirrrreee" when summer finally opens its sleeping eyes and drags itself out of bed. 

In other words, try not to burn your skin. Now we admit this one can be a little tricky as it doesn't have to be super sunny for the UV levels to be high. One minute you could be enjoying a nice, relaxing picnic with your friends only to go home looking like a red neon sign often found in trendy restaurants. 

If you have to set an alarm on your phone to remind you to put on some sunscreen, do it. Ain't no shame in the SPF game. 

Oil up 

Now that you've properly prepped your skin and gotten rid of the flakiness, it's time to make your skin look healthier and using some oil! 

If you're wondering how all the insta influencers get flawless-looking skin in photos that have been edited to within an inch of their lives, then the answer is smearing our Rose Body Oil all over your body. 

A lightweight body oil that will hydrate, moisturise and brighten, leaving your skin super soft and bouncy, this superhero in elasticity and rejuvenation, helps keep your skin ridiculously soft while being your ultimate protector from all bad stuff (yes thank you, we'll take two). 

Guaranteed to make your skin radiate 'it's Britney b*tch' vibes, this oil is powered with a cocktail of plant and nut oils that ooze antioxidants, fatty acids and vitamins that will keep your skin as happy as you are when you think you're out of wine but you find a bottle hidden at the back of the fridge behind the out-of-date chutney. 

Now your skin should be ready to embrace all the ~summer feels~, so what are you waiting? Seriously. Close your laptop, put on some clothes that match and go outside.