all things vegan with jakd vegans

'But it’s not until we challenge ourselves and find our own path that we begin to truly find out who we are and why we were put on this planet.'  

vegan fitness

It's taken our naked butt our sweet arse time to get a blog up, but we got there.. and for our first blog we thought we'd feature a duo that inspires us, our favourite vegan gym Junkies Jakd Vegans.

We will let them do the talking but their commitment to a cruelty-free lifestyle is why they inspire the team at butt naked!


So, tell us, Who are JAKD VEGANS?


What started as a journey to improving my health quickly turned into finding out a lot more than I ever had expected. Veganism has led me to find my passion and has completely changed my outlook on life. We all grow up thinking and being taught to live our lives ONE way…

'But it’s not until we challenge ourselves and find our own path that we begin to truly find out who we are and why we were put on this planet.'

Veganism has helped shape my life in my twenties and has opened my eyes in so many ways. I have learnt to make the connection of what is on my plate. Now that I am vegan, I am advocating for these beings – I now want to educate and inspire as many people as I can to make the connection too. 


I was the complete opposite of a vegan. As a tradesman, I would eat a whole chicken and pasta salad for lunch and then for dinner I would have my 1kg of steak with NO veggies. I would mindlessly eat every type of animal product without even making the connection of what was on my plate.

'I was completely unaware of the impact I was inflicting on my health, the environment and most importantly, the animals.'

It wasn’t until I decided to try going vegetarian for a month that I felt major results in my health became more aware of the injustice of animals. After being vegetarian for two years, I watched a documentary called ‘Peaceable Kingdom’ and from the 10th of June 2014, I decided I couldn’t be anything but vegan, and I have never felt better – my only regret with going vegan was not doing it sooner!

Despite the constant criticism from friends and family, I know deep down that I’m doing the right thing for the animals, the environment and my health. I truly believe there is no need to enslave and torture innocent beings for the sake of our taste buds. I continue to educate myself on all aspects of veganism to be a voice for the voiceless. My wife Amy and I then decided the best way to do this was through our YouTube channel. Our mission is to break the vegan stereotype. Our aim is to motivate and inspire people to transition into veganism by showing just how easy it is. 


How long have you been vegan & what inspired you to go vegan?

Jesse - 3 years vegan (2 year vego before that) 
Amy - 3 years vegan (1 year vego beforehand)

We both decided to go vegan after watching a documentary called 'Peaceable Kingdom'. We had seen a few documentaries prior but this was the last straw for us. The love of this lifestyle then turned into our passion. We are so grateful to receive messages daily about how we have changed people lives for the better. We have both always been into health and fitness. But we saw there was a lack of vegan fitness options online.

Our aim is to 'break the vegan stereotype' and prove that you can get protein through wholefoods and plants and that this is the healthiest way to live for yourself, the animals and the environment.


There can be so many negative debates about a vegan diet, tell us why you choose a vegan lifestyle and what benefits this has to fitness and general health?

Mental benefits would be broadened sense of clarity, feeling mentally clear and focused. There has been a shift in the way we now view the world and media. It's like the wool has been taken off your eyes and you can now see how every bit of advertisement can brainwash you.

Physically we have both seen a lot of changes especially looking back on old photos. A lot of people when they look back on their photos always look puffy and inflamed in their face and arms. We differently noticed this with our old photos. Workouts and any exercise went through the roof, energy, recovery time and endurance.

Lifestyle has completely changed. We enjoy all our food and don’t feel guilty, sick, tired or lethargic after we eat a meal. Eating out is so easy and enjoyable and is one of our favourite things to do together or with friends. Our friendship circle has now changed and we have met so many incredible people along the way.


What are the biggest challenges and most rewarding aspect of your job?

The biggest challenge would be sometimes getting negative comments etc. But the positives definitely out way the negatives. We get to help people all around the world and our motto from the start was to be able to


And we are doing just that! 


Who inspires you?

To be honest we inspire one another the most. We both continue to help each other grow and we believe it’s important to always have each others back but also give each other a push when we both need it most.

What does an average working day look like for you?

JD is still full time working as an Occupational Therapist so he works 5 days a week doing that. I (Amy-Kate) handle our online business.

A typical day is JD goes off to work, I get stuck into emails and plans, then go to the gym. Come home, eat, more emails and plans, editing website and youtube videos. JD gets home from work does reports, we then sometimes get our content for Instagram.

Both go back to the gym and I do my weight either with JD on our own. Come home make dinner, more emails and editing and also upload Instagram content and youtube videos. Then Repeat!!


If you could invite 5 people to a dinner party, dead or alive who would you choose and why?…. And what would you serve them?

1. Connor McGregor
2. Arnold Schwarzenegger 
3. Michelle Obama 
4. Kylie Jenner
5. Justin Bieber

We would take them to Lord of the Fries to show them how easy and delicious vegan food can be. Then finish with Cardamon Pod Broadbeach ice cream sundaes and dessert bar.

We want people with huge followings to get behind the vegan way of life so they can reach millions of people all around the world. Bigger followings mean louder voices and wider awareness.


What’s your guilty pleasure?

Amy-Kate is a sucker for chocolate and sweets and JD is a sucker for burgers and chips.


What is one thing you can’t live without that you think everyone should have?



What is one unnecessary thing that you think people should give up?

It’s hard to pinpoint just one thing. But we would have to say in general ALL animal products. It has been proven that you can live and thrive a healthy, longer life without these products and there is no need to harm, kill and torture these innocent beings.


Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give to your younger self?



Tell us why you love what you do?

Our business started last year back in October. It was by popular demand, so we took a shot, had our first launch and sold out that night. We then realised Amy could quit her job and pursue her passion of helping people. We have been creating content for 2 years now and we love every bit of it. Sure we have had our highs and lows but it has made us into the people we are today, and that we are thankful for.

We are always hoping for more opportunities and we see ourselves being great vegan mentors and influences for people around the world.

Where can people find you if they would like to get some coaching advice?

Get in touch with us on social :
Instagram @JAKD_VEGANS or Facebook jakdvegans